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Eolian Islands » Salina

Salina, the ancient Dydime, the island that Massimo Troisi has chosen as ideal place to turn his last and intense film "Il Postino", gives to visitors, both by earth and by sea, a lot of emotions. The sea is dyed of intense blue, small enchanting beaches, serve almost as contour to the two tall volcanoes hundreds of meters high, one of which, Mount Fossa delle Felci, has a beautiful wood of fernes that became natural reserve. Attainable through a path, from the Mountain you can enjoy an unbelievable sight: the panorama of the whole archipelago of the Eolian Islands to the far volcano Etna.
Pollara bay is of unbelievable beauty, formed by stratified lava stones and underwater caves. Also the beach of the "scario", at Malfa, a marvelous natural amphitheater, deserves to be mentioned. The tour of the island in boat is also an unforgettable experience.
Salina is the country of the Malvasia, a sweet and aromatic wine gotten by the cultivation of white grapes that here find the ideal conditions to become that has been defined "the nectar of the gods". In Salina there are also cultivations of the plant of the caper.
The three principal centers of Salina are Santa Marina, Malfa, Leni and Lingua, but Santa Marina is the most important center thanks to the impulse of the great tourist-commercial harbour, with his principal street with restaurants, bar and boutiques.

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Rosa dei Venti soc. coop. a r.l. - Uffici e sede legale : Via Universit�, 8 - 98122 Messina
Base Operativa e uffici : Marina di Portorosa Via Prestipaolo s.n. Tonnarella di Furnari - 98054 (ME)
Tel. - mobile: (+39)320.02.27.774 - (+39)349.555.13.14 - Fax: info@rosadeiventicharter.it
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Salina, l’antica Dydime, l’isola che Massimo Troisi ha scelto come luogo ideale .. ,Sailboat routes and destinations in sicily

Chartering Sailing boats and catamarans in Sicily, messina province. We offer charter with or without skipper and you�ll have opportunity to sail to eolian islands, favignana and in mediterranean sea

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