An ancient legend narrates that the god Eolo, the king of the winds, fell in love of the "seven sisters" and decide to make them his home. It will be only a legend but the Eolian Islands are really the country of the wind and of all those peolple who love to submit him to the wind to discover small angles of heaven.
Every island is different from the other, every island offers different feelings. It’s easy to fall in love of Stromboli, of his "voice" or of the deafening silence of Alicudi and Filicudi. It’s impossible not to love Vulcano, his thin black sand as the pitch, or Salina that inspired a poet of the Italian cinema like Massimo Troisi. You stay spellbound in front of Panarea, the smallest and the worldliest, or visiting the mother of the Eolian Islands, the beautiful Lipari. But the Islands Eolies are not only sea, beaches and sunsets, but also culture, traditions, the ideal destination for people who wants to spend an unforgettable holiday to the insignia of the good food and a delicious hospitality.